Tuesday, 29 January 2008

A new Year

It’s a sad start today... why?
Don’t ask, 'cos I don’t know.

Well let’s have a look at all the good things around I can elicit some form of happiness from......

* tried to teach Zach "P" language. Mixed results but mostly fun.
* Almost had the grace of the goddess bestowed on me. I like things the way they are.... but.
* Made a new friend - Karen. She’s got funny eyebrows, ^_^.
* Meenie and I formed a pact to remain friends’ thro good and bad. Hope she keeps it....: P (kidding!)
* Feeling better already!! Yay!


Winnie the poohi said...

There is one thing anyone can count on me for.. "usual friendship"

Dont expect something out of ordinary and u wont b disappointed :)

Quaintzy Patchez said...

and how is it that i forget to blogroll you? :O

There you go, brother >:D<